A man wants to be a winner in everything and keeps his weaknesses a secret, even when it comes to health issues. Particularly difficult is the question of increasing potency in men after 50 years: it is difficult to admit that you are imperfect, but the sooner you do it, the more likely you will find a good remedy and cope with theproblem at home are high.
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What is power?
It's easy to decipher the term using a similar English word: "potential" means "opportunity, " and in relation to sexology, potency - a man's ability to be sexually active. However, his character already depends on other factors: a man's personal temperament, his sexual preferences, etc.
According to doctors, potency is a complex mechanism that does not absorb so much sexual desire, which is called "libido", as erectile function and the ability to have long-term sex with keen sensations.
Partly, the potency depends on the level of testosterone, but in addition to that, it is responsible for:
- condition of blood vessels;
- blood circulation process;
- the work of the nervous system (doctors have proven that a natural increase in erection occurs under psychologically comfortable conditions);
- the work of the endocrine system (diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, etc. - common reasons for decreased potency).
Potency in men after 50
Official medicine tends to believe that while female fluctuations in sex hormones at menopause lead to decreased libido and general deterioration of sex life, a man at 40, 50 and even after 60 should not always suffer fromerectile dysfunction or decreased sexual desire. . .
If a man is faced with the question of how to increase potency at 50, before taking the drug, you need to find out the reason for its decrease, because the problem is not only in age.
Some points regarding changes in erectile function in men:
- A decrease in the level of testosterone, a male hormone, begins after 25 years, but this does not mean that it is necessary to look for ways to increase it already at 26 years: androgen deficiency may not be felteven at 50 - the process is absolutely individual.
- An age-related change in the elasticity of the blood vessels and their progressive narrowing leads to the fact that in a 50-year-old man, the cavernous bodies of the penis can no longer fill at the same rate and in the same volume asAt 20, therefore, even with an obvious sexual desire, problems with erectile function appear. . .
- With a heart attack / stroke, heart pathologies (and other cardiovascular diseases with frequent exacerbations), by the age of 50 a man may be faced with the problem of a decrease in potency due toimpaired blood circulation.
- A sedentary lifestyle, which will not cause problems for the pupil of yesterday because of its short duration, makes itself felt from the age of 50, especially if it continues from youth. The trophic nutrition of the pelvic organs, disrupted over several decades, is associated with problems with blood circulation and oxygen transport, so that the testes and the prostate gland function less well. With a decrease in potency, prostatitis, displacement of the pelvic organs, excess weight in this area goes hand in hand.
Increase in potency in men after age 50
At the age of 50 to 55, doctors advise men to monitor hormone levels - due to the natural decrease in testosterone, a drop in potency will be normal.
Special drugs at this age are rarely used, mainly experts try to "disperse" the body in a natural way:
- increase the level of physical activity;
- attend several massage sessions to relax the nervous system;
- pay attention to the health of the genitourinary system;
- increase the amount of protein in the diet.
Increase in potency in men after age 60
For the older representatives of a strong half of humanity, taking medication and viewing erotic photos of women with the problem cannot be cured, especially if the natural libido is lost. One should not expect a quick effect when deciding how to improve erectile function after 60 years. The treatment will be long and complex.
Need of:
- Eliminates chronic diseases associated with the endocrine system and blood vessels.
- Introduce natural aphrodisiacs into the diet more often (the safest for the elderly are nuts, cinnamon).
- Start taking strong stimulants, but only those chosen by the doctor.
- Especially for elderly patients, special means are used. Dosage should only be determined by a physician.
- Take vitamin supplements to help restore male strength.
It is advisable to select the weak erectile function treatment methods with a doctor., since its age-related decline does not exist - pathology is its basis. If it is combined with the hormone testosterone, only a specialist can correct its level: at home, you can try to contribute to its increase only by non-drug methods.
Various potency stimulants advertised by the media do not heal and do not give a prolonged effect. Often they are recommended for the elderly and by 50 years old you can restore erectile function in a different way.
Some general medical recommendations on how to increase potency after age 50:
- don't ignore physical activity;
- control the diet - poor nutrition destroys the endocrine system and worsens the condition of blood vessels;
- take contrast baths for the lower body - they promote blood circulation;
- forget about bad habits - alcohol and nicotine kill an erection even at 30;
- treat chronic diseases.
If these measures do not work (they help maintain male strength, but if lost, they may have low effectiveness), the doctor will prescribe drugs that:
- increase libido;
- improve blood circulation;
- increase erection;
- control the main male hormone.
Means for increasing potency in the elderly
The drugs may be aimed at increasing the production of testosterone or the blood flow to the penis to induce an erection. Doctors recommend such remedies as a last resort, since the effect of improving the potency is short-lived, there are many contraindications, and addiction is possible.
Drugs for impotence after 50 years.If men suffer from complete erectile dysfunction but do not lose libido, doctors prescribe PDE-5 inhibitors (selective blockers of the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5), the absence of which is short-lived. These are not remedies for long-term treatment - they only give a situational increase in potency in men after 50 years.
Preparations for potency without side effects.Most of the strong drugs that improve erectile function work by speeding up blood circulation, thus causing increased blood pressure, headaches, and many side reactions.
If a man wants to avoid them, he has to choose a natural drug or look into synthetic drugs.
Chinese Fund.A large number of natural preparations which have a good effect on erectile function can be found in traditional oriental medicine. For those who are looking for how to increase potency in men after 50, this is a great solution, since there are minimal contraindications.
Food supplements.Means based on natural ingredients have a weak effect, so they are used more to improve potency, but not to combat complete erectile dysfunction. You should not put all your hopes on them, and in the presence of serious pathologies they are helpless.
How to improve potency without drugs:
If you do not want to touch traditional medicine and pharmaceutical drugs, you can try to help increase male strength with safer methods, especially in the elderly. Some simple tips that you can use at home: A contrast shower has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. For a similar purpose, you can take a contrast bath. Do not underestimate physical activity: classic training and exercises for intimate muscles will help. Change your diet: from food it is recommended to regularly eat avocados, seafood, strawberries, nuts, citrus fruits. Regular sex also has an excellent effect even in old age, as it keeps the body in good shape.
The best way to increase potency in men:
The most effective doctors call the already mentioned erectile function stimulants, because they give the most obvious result, although they do not last long.
Among all PDE-5 inhibitors, the best drugs are distinguished that can act in 15 minutes - other representatives of this group do not give such an effect.
Folk remedies
The most effective plant for increasing male strength, experts in folk medicine call ginseng - it can be used regularly in classes for the promotion of general health and preservation of potency, it is absolutely safe for an elderly person. Eleutherococcus works almost the same way. You can buy a ready-made infusion and drink 20 drops in the morning.
Some other good folk remedies:
- Mix honey with dry red wine 1: 1, leave to stand for a week. Drink 1 tablespoon before meals. l. 15 days.
- Crush 10 nuts (almonds), pour 100 ml of cold water, leave for 2 hours, strain, mix the liquid with 50 g of honey. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
Doctors for men who want to know how to restore potency after 60 years are advised not only to use special drugs, but also to add a constant course of herbal infusions in order to avoid a complete cessation of sexual activity.
Mainly for potency, the following recipes are used:
Pour 1 tbsp. fireweed leaves with a glass of boiling water, to drink daily as a tea. 1 tbsp. l. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the flowers and rapeseed, filter after 4 hours and drink 2 teaspoons each. 4 rubles / day.